Alexander Language Schools LogoAlexander International
Alexander Schools Franchise

.......dedicated to providing you with our knowledge and expertise in the industry and our continual support!

Service Offered to Franchisees

|Overview |Teachers|Students & Courses|Added Company Services|OLIP|


All Single Unit and Area/Master Franchisees can contact our Head Office, via e-mail or by phone/Skype and we can call them back. Site visits are made on occasion; this is included as part of the continuing fee.
Franchisees are welcome to visit the Head Office.

We call on a regular basis in order to ensure smooth operation of the schools



Most of this information is only provided to the franchisees after a franchisee signs the franchise contract

  • Use of franchisor’s secret methods, educational programmes, teacher training etc).
  • We provide information on how to organize the classes, time tables etc
  • Help Organize the school programme (Time-Table).
  • Provide information on the qualities required by teachers
  • Provide the advertisement material for advertising for new staff and the application forms.
  • Provide application forms and contracts for the teachers
  • Help the franchisee to calculate how many teachers are required based on our student to teacher ratio
  • GivPlacement Tests
  • Provide information on the everyday marking required and the marking of reports and tests
  • Preparation/compilation and awarding of attendance/completion certificates
  • Teacher training and assessment tests
  • Extra-curriculum activities
  • Time-tables methodology and marking
  • Audio-visual aids (video, computer, Internet)

We forward all students and teacher enquiries to the relevant franchisee.

Teachers are not expected to undertake an assessment test if they hold the required qualifications such as a teaching certificate and good references. However it depends on the local requirements and practice of other schools/colleges in the area, if you will be required to give this test or not.


Students and Courses

Most of this information is only provided to the franchisees after a franchisee signs the franchise contract

  • We help the franchisee choose the correct courses
  • We help the franchisee organize the classes (into the correct number of students per class and the correct age-groups and levels).
  • We help define the number of hours each student will study per week

We offer a wide range of courses and it is the franchisee’s choice as to what courses they offer. (Different courses are offered according to the students requirements).

A placement test is usually conducted for each student

Added Company Services

  • Automatic membership in ALS (ALEXCARD) for students and teachers, with benefits and discounts.
  • Bags, Pens, pencil cases (with Comany logo) are available in order to give the students.
  • Progress reports: In order for the students to understand how they are doing.
  • Alexander Language School (ALS) Activities: (We try to encourage franchisees to offer additional activities).
  • Summer Camps
  • Sports Events
  • Social Gatherings (for students, teachers and parents)
  • Excursions
  • Vacation courses, trips or exchange
  • International Newsletter/Blog (Articles about students, teachers etc)
  • Holiday Extras Festive activities which are related to the traditions of the country in which the school operates.

We provide the franchisee with all the assistance and information required in order for them to establish additional activities.


OLIP (Overseas Language Immersion Courses)

A network of schools offering OLIP courses,

a) Your students can learn or practice the language in a country where it is spoken.
b) You can teach your language to foreign students wishing to learn your country's language.

We also represent a lot of respectable language schools offering immersion courses.

OLIP courses are something we receive a lot of interest in and thus we try to encourage franchisees to set up this service. They are required to find accommodation and also organize excursions/sightseeing tours as part of the packages.

We help the franchisees choose the correct courses and organize the classes. We offer a range of courses and it is the franchisee’s choice as to what courses they offer. (Different courses are offered according to student requirements).





|About Us |Contact Us|Franchise|Types of Franchise | Why Join Us? | Single Unit Franchise|Master Franchse |   

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